Blocked Sinuses? I've got you!
Jan 27, 2025Relieve Sinus Pressure in Just 1 Minute with This Easy Acupressure Reset!
Hi sunshine, waking up with a blocked nose , and a slight dull pressure just waiting to turn into a full blown headache can set you up for a cranky , frustrating day—lucky for you, you've stumbled upon my 1 minute reset blog!
My simple, yet powerful solution to your congestion and all-too-familiar headache that comes with sinus issues, is my tried and tested 1-minute acupressure routine that works wonders.
Acupressure is a natural, non-invasive ancient healing technique that uses s pressure points on your body to promote relief and healing by releasing blockages and allowing flow. For sinus issues, it’s incredibly effective at clearing congestion, and easing tension in your head. The best part? It’s quick, easy, and can be done anywhere—no fancy tools or meds, just the tips of your fingers!
This acupressure routine has become my secret weapon for tackling sinus pressure and congestion. I use this quite often, in fact, I don't wait till I'm actually congested, it's my 1 minute reset before I get out of bed on a cold frosty morning, just to set me straight! You see acupressure and all the 1 minute reset routines I show you can and should be used PREVENTATIVELY. This is the beauty of holistic exercises, use them every day to keep the doctor away!
Here’s how to do this facial acupressure routine:
- Start at the cheekbones: Place your index finger or thumb ( whichever is more comfortable) just under your cheekbones. Massage upwards gently, in circular or pumping motion. This will be tender if there is any blockage. Be gentle, keep pumping for a bit longer wherever there is tenderness. Don't forget to breathe through the acupressure massage. The massage will help stimulate drainage and provide relief.
- Move to the sides of your nose: Using your index fingers, press the points just beside your nostrils, in and away. Hold, press or pump , this will help release congestion and improve airflow. Press on both sides, either simultaneously or one at a time. Whatever feels more comfortable to you. Bonus if you have essential oils, you could use eucalyptus radiata, thyme, or tea tree- just one drop blended in a carrier oil and massage on the sides of your nostrils. Please make sure you're nowhere near the eyes and as a rule of thumb please do not use essential oils on children under the age of 6.
- End with your eyebrows: Place your thumbs at the inner corners of your eyebrows, just above the bridge of your nose. Press gently but firmly pumping for 10–15 seconds. This helps open up the sinus pathways and reduce pressure in your head.
In just 1 minute, you’ll feel the difference—clearer sinuses, reduced pressure, and you'll be a more energized and in a much better mood to start your day!
Don't wait to use this routine only when you're congested. This routine is about taking a moment for YOU. Life gets busy, and it’s easy to ignore how we’re feeling. Let this reset be your reminder that even one minute of self-care can make a huge difference in your day.
Want More 1-Minute Resets?
If this acupressure routine worked for you, imagine what a collection of 1-minute resets could do for your everyday life! My Got A Minute program includes 15 easy routines designed to help you feel your best—reduce stress , clear your foggy brain and give you a a quick energy boost.
It's a no-brainer- a simple, affordable way to invest in your well-being. Click to learn more
and start your journey to feeling amazing in just 60 seconds a day.
You’ve Got This—and I’ve Got You!
Don’t let sinus pressure hold you back. Give this 1-minute reset a try and see how it transforms your day.
Remember, sunshine, you’ve got this—and I’ve got you! 🌟
Thank you for being here,
Des xx
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