Release neck tension in 60 seconds!
Dec 04, 2024Release Neck Tension in 60 Seconds: Here’s How
Hi sunshine,
Did you wake up with a stiff neck this morning? Feeling like you're carrying the whole world on your shoulders?
Well, it’s no surprise—life has a way of piling up on us. But, I'm here to remind you that this stiffness and discomfort are your body’s way of saying it’s time to pause and release.
Remember that pain is simply the absence of flow. And our body uses pain, to gently remind you of what you need to process and let go.
In this quick 15-second video, I’m showing you how to use acupressure point Large Intestine 3 ,—a powerful spot just over the knuckle of your pointy finger.
With just a minute of gentle pressure, you can:
- Loosen up a stiff neck.
- Relieve shoulder tension.
- Feel more grounded and at ease.
It’s simple, effective, and something you can do anytime, anywhere. Don't forget to smile to yourself, during this self-care time. Take a deep breath in and a long breath out, releasing all that keeps you stuck.
I love to do this small experiment with my client:. Turn your head to the right, and make a mental note of how far you can turn. Then press, pump the acupoint for one minute. Turn your head again and voila! You'll see a huge difference, sometimes you can turn a full inch more! Remember to always work on both hands, 60 seconds each.
Try it now have fun, and feel the release!
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when you're ready. Let’s do this together!
Thank you for being here,
Des xx
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